Membership Categories
The Centre admits private and public sector organizations which subscribe to the tenets of good Corporate Governance to its Membership. It is an opportunity to access our Corporate Governance knowledge resource, advice, training, leading practices journals, learning and networking opportunities.
Institutional membership is open to all Federal and State Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) with a mandate to subscribe, practice and imbibe the principles of good Corporate Governance in the conduct of the affairs as a public organization, and who have been duly admitted as such by the Governing Board.
Group Corporate membership category is for holding companies with subsidiaries who are already practicing the principles of good Corporate Governance and who have been duly admitted as such by the Governing Board. Subsidiaries of the holding company become automatic members of the IoDCCG on registration of their Group/Holding company with full rights and privileges of a member.
Full corporate members shall be big or large companies who are already practicing the principles of good Corporate Governance and who have been duly admitted as such by the Governing Board. This category of membership is open to organizations with annual turnover of between (N500, 000,000 and above)
This category of membership is open to medium organizations with the annual turnover of between (N100,000,000 to N500,000,000) who are already practicing the principles of good Corporate Governance and who have been duly admitted as such by the Governing Board.
This category of membership is open to Small and Medium Enterprises, SME organizations with the annual turnover of below N100,000,000) who are already practicing the principles of good Corporate Governance and who have been duly admitted as such by the Governing Board.
Benefits of Membership
- Certificate of membership of IoD Centre for Corporate Governance.
- Access to research analysis on current Corporate Governance trends.
- Access to international and local knowledge sharing and benchmarking in Corporate Governance.
- Discounted participation in all the Centre’s programmes and conferences.
- Opportunities to have access to discounted pricing on all IoD Centre for Corporate Governance services, and collaborations with other reputable bodies and agencies like IFC, IIA etc.
- Free copies of the Centre’s publications.
- Corporate Governance Consultancy Services, including design and development of Corporate Governance Framework, Board Induction, Corporate Governance training discounted rate.
- Access to credible data for planning
- Listing in the IoD Centre for Corporate Governance Membership directory.
- Networking amongst business leaders and the government.
- One vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Membership Process
The Centre admits private and public sector organizations which subscribe to the tenets of good Corporate Governance to its Membership. It is an opportunity to access our Corporate Governance knowledge resource, advice, training, leading practices journals, learning and networking opportunities.
- Membership of the IoD Centre for Corporate Governance shall only be extended to those organizations who subscribe to the ideals set out in the Centre’s Memorandum of Association, and such other persons as the Governing Board shall admit to membership in accordance with the bye-laws of the Centre.
- The Governing Board of the Centre shall admit to the membership where it is of the opinion that any company meets the Centre’s eligibility criteria. Such company shall apply for membership by completing the membership registration application form.
- Upon completion and submission of the application form to the Centre, the applicant shall be informed of the successful consideration of its applications by Centre.
- The Governing Board shall have absolute discretion in determining whether to accept or reject any application for membership and shall not be bound to assign any reason for its decision but nothing herein contained shall entitle the Governing Board to discriminate in any way between applicants by reason of line of business.